Remember the last time you bought a washing machine – now that was a great day! Wasn’t it wonderful pouring over technical details and energy efficiency ratings before….please stop….boring! This is so boring! You’re thinking…. ‘Life is just too short for this’! If you sell holidays or tourist destinations, your audience or target market should never have this problem. Yours is one of the few products where people genuinely love all stages of the decision-making process. It’s time for your online content to shine.
Tag: web content
You’ll probably agree that it’s very hard to sell something to someone who’s never bought something like it it before. Technology providers and those from other innovative sectors face this problem all the time. It’s no secret that Irish SMEs are going through a tough time. And sales cycles are undoubtedly a little longer as a result. If you’re a new technology provider and your target audience is SMEs, a well-written white paper will educate and engage your target audience no matter what stage of the buying process they’re at.
In the people vs. robots war, it’s important to make sure the people win but we have to throw the SEO bots a bone now and again.
Many, many years ago when I was in primary school, I had a teacher who looked out the window most days after dinner, would pause thoughtfully and say….’ put this word in an everyday sentence.. ‘. He’d then choose a random word, sing it out like a morning radio DJ and sit down to read the paper (dramatisation, may or may not have happened).