Web content and digital marketing

Web content in tourism – your customers love research and planning so you should give them what they want online

Remember the last time you bought a washing machine – now that was a great day! Wasn’t it wonderful pouring over technical details and energy efficiency ratings before….please stop….boring! This is so boring! You’re thinking…. ‘Life is just too short for this’! If you sell holidays or tourist destinations, your audience or target market should never have this problem. Yours is one of the few products where people genuinely love all stages of the decision-making process. It’s time for your online content to shine.

Web content and digital marketing

Turning numbers into words – inspiration for writing blogs and blog planning

Research can be expensive. But research is always valuable. In fact, if you’re an SME , you may have already gained a crucial insight into your product offering by the wonderful data sourced and mined by either a professional research outfit or you may have handled it internally. You poured over focus groups painstakingly and analysed data to the nearest decimal point in an effort to make sure that initial product launch is perfect.

You did all this to make sure that you understood the market inside out. But sometimes, once it’s been used  for internal reasons, it’s forgotten that it has more marketing potential. So, how do you use old data to create new content?