‘Never argue with a fool because…’… and you know the rest. You’ll find fools online and offline. Quality, informed content, whether written by someone like me or whether you do it yourself, puts you on a different level to the guy who wandered down to the content farm and bought an SEO pig-in-a-poke. While the search engines’ appetite for original content continues to grow, the cheap stuff, fattened on keywords and cliché still roam the web. Using content farms will often prove to be a foolish idea and if you don’t value the content you put on your site, you can be pretty sure that soon, no-one else will eithe
Category: Web content and digital marketing
In the third blog in this series, we look at content marketing options for Irish SMEs in the tourism and hospitality sector. If you run a pub, B&B,hotel, restaurant or other small tourism business, ask yourself….what makes us different? If you sell holidays or destinations or beautiful meals or great nights out, you sell the biggest product of all – a unique experience. So, what content works and what doesn’t for hospitality and tourism marketers?
If there’s an industry that can get the most out of content marketing, it has to be the ICT sector. For at least the last decade, the concept of the ‘business value of IT’ has occupied the minds of B2B IT buyers. Content marketing has the ability to clearly demonstrate the value of ICT investment. And it’s time for you to truly embrace it, if you have not already done so. Here are 4 types of content marketing that every tech sector SME should have in place or at least be planning for…
If you’re a not-for-profit in Ireland, why does content marketing offer you so much? Ask yourself… ‘Why would you donate to your cause?’ Put simply, your donors need to know what you’re spending their money on and how this money is helping those in need. In this blog, we’ll look at practical content marketing tasks for charities and the not-for-profit sector.
Oh yeah…I’ve done that. You’ve just met one of those people who just agree to everything and figure it out later. They can smell the sale and if you asked them if they have any experience shooting pandas in a Chinese forest, they’d probably suggest that they haven’t done it recently but the ‘principles are still the same’. Writing SEO web content is not rocket science but like any trade, experienced practitioners will use a solid process to create and deliver the finished product.
Ever seen the film ‘Rear Window’? James Stewart plays a house-bound hero in what some call one of Hitchcock’s greatest works. I also sit beside a window most days and can identify just a little with Stewart’s character. And if you work for yourself and find that you’re keeping clients on the phone a little longer than usual or that you look forward to the small talk at the local café every day, perhaps it’s time you got out and about too. But where do you go?
Remember the last time you bought a washing machine – now that was a great day! Wasn’t it wonderful pouring over technical details and energy efficiency ratings before….please stop….boring! This is so boring! You’re thinking…. ‘Life is just too short for this’! If you sell holidays or tourist destinations, your audience or target market should never have this problem. Yours is one of the few products where people genuinely love all stages of the decision-making process. It’s time for your online content to shine.
One glance from across a crowded shop-floor and you knew it was over before it even began…..
Ever been putty in the palm of a salesperson’s hands? Be honest now. Do you remember that time you bought something really special? You were happy to spend a few quid extra because you knew it would last. And then they approached….
You’ll probably agree that it’s very hard to sell something to someone who’s never bought something like it it before. Technology providers and those from other innovative sectors face this problem all the time. It’s no secret that Irish SMEs are going through a tough time. And sales cycles are undoubtedly a little longer as a result. If you’re a new technology provider and your target audience is SMEs, a well-written white paper will educate and engage your target audience no matter what stage of the buying process they’re at.
If you’re going to the trouble of getting an app developed or even setting up a mobile version of your website, make sure copywriting is part of your planning process. If you have friends that are always late, a mobile phone has been your saviour more than once. But as we know too well, people do more with their mobile than pass the time in a pub or restaurant. You need to understand who they are and what they do and how you can adjust your content to connect with them.