When I was a kid, everybody knew someone who added ‘fuel injection technician’ to their secondary school CV – as a joke. How we’d laugh at how ridiculous it was to call yourself something that sounded so ‘exotic’ but in fact was quite straightforward. People are still doing this today with their web content and they’re doing it intentionally. If you’re calling your case studies ‘customer master classes’ or your services page ‘deliverables defined’, you may well be alienating some very important people – your target audience.
Author: admin
The news that from April 21st, Google is going to penalise websites that are not mobile-friendly should focus the minds of website owners and their responsibility for mobile readers and consumers. And this applies to content too. While you may not be penalised for a lack of user-friendly content, mobile content is different from web content and this must be addressed. Make this date your target to sweep your existing mobile content and ask yourself, is this easy for a mobile user to read or even access? In the context of this upcoming change, today we’re looking at the best way to write mobile digital content.
Do I need a whitepaper in 2015?
If you’re a tech sector company that sells hardware, software or services to B2B markets, a whitepaper is not a bad idea at all. Keep reading and find out when and why a whitepaper can help you sell more of your product or service in 2015.